GT Therapy Group

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grandparents & tweens

During the summer, grandparents may come down for a visit or maybe the family takes a road trip to visit Gramps & Granny. Some grandparents may live nearby but may not get together regularly with your tween. Every family is different, so  here are a few great sites for getting any grandparent involved in your tween’s life!

  • For lots of local tips for fun things grandparents can do with tweens, check out!
  • To remind grandparents of all the reasons hanging with tweens can be awesome, check out this article (Hint: They aren't as much work as the little ones and they aren't too grown up to play)
  • For easy ways grandparents can use technology to connect with tweens, visit

Maintaining a fun connection with grandparents as children enter adolescence can be a great way to help them build a solid foundation for a lifelong relationship that's unlike any other!