GT Therapy Group

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Four dimensions of resilience

The first few weeks back in school can be full of surprises, challenges, and maybe just a little stress. When tweens and teens get overwhelmed, they need resilience! Resilience is the process of bouncing back and getting stronger, learning from mistakes & building a foundation for dealing with future bumps in the road. Here are four dimensions of resilience that you can use to get through the tough times and set yourself up for success along the way:


  • SELF-CARE: Eat well, sleep well, drink lots of water (Bonus: this gives you good skin and hair!). Set SMART goals. Practice good study habits.
  • CONNECTION:Reach out to your peers, your family, your teachers. Remember that you're not alone, and everyone has gone through times of stress. Don't be afraid to ask for help.
  • RECOVERY: Take time to recharge. Set aside break time when you need it and keep a list of things you can do to unwind. Ride a bike, take a walk, call a friend, listen to your favorite song, write in your journal, make a snack. The possibilities are endless and as unique as you!
  • SPIRIT: Be kind to yourself. Be forgiving when you make a mistake. Remember to use positive self-talk to lift your spirits and keep yourself motivated. Catch yourself when you hear that nagging voice in your head telling you you're not good enough, smart enough, pretty enough. Then create your own mantras and positive words that keep you going!


Today's Mantra: I will survive, I will thrive! Practice saying this and other positive thoughts out loud or in your head as a reminder that you have the tools you need to be resilient and you will not only get through the challenges, you will come out stronger!