GT Therapy Group

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Why group therapy?

Here at GirlTalk Therapy we talk a lot about our tween & teen therapy groups, and why we believe they're so effective for adolescent girls. Sometimes parents, teachers or teens might wonder what makes group therapy work, and here are some of our thoughts...

Groups make sense for tweens and teens. They spend most of their time in groups at this age. They are taught in groups at school, live in groups as a family, and socialize in groups with their friends. Relationships are and will always be of key importance for people, and the importance of strong interpersonal skills and healthy friendships is felt mosts keenly during adolescence. We are constantly interacting with people, so the sooner teens can strengthen their relationship muscles, the better equipped they will be to navigate school, home and eventually work life.

Tweens and teens don't have to be "troubled" to benefit from group therapy. Many adolescent girls who are dealing with everyday challenges benefit from having a safe, judgment free space to develop their unique voices and learn how to navigate the tricky social situations of the teen years. 

Group therapy is cost effective when compared with individual therapy. It provides teens with invaluable feedback and learning opportunities from their peers under the guidance of a skilled therapist. Teens are invested in their peer relationships, which is a normal and healthy part of their development and identity formation. Often times, teens will listen and learn better from their peers than the adults around them, and group therapy provides a structured environment for teens to use peer influence in a positive and healthy way.

Our next round of middle and high school girls' groups are starting soon! Contact us to learn more and get on our wait list. More details coming soon...