GT Therapy Group

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after the hustle & bustle

It’s the after-holiday blues. You’ve got ‘em, your siblings got ‘em, even your dog is feeling tired and depressed. But why? You think that having all that stress behind you would make you feel better!?! However, when January 2nd rolls around we hit the brakes on everything after going 60 mph! Routines and schedules that have been ignored are now begging to be reinstated, and it is important to do so! Here are a few ways to help yourself feel normal again after all the hustle and bustle:

  • Get back to your regular sleep schedule. We know! It's hard. But good sleep sets you up for feeling your best.
  • Get back to making healthy food choices. So many yummy treats are devoured over the holidays, and should be enjoyed! However, practicing regular healthy eating helps control your blood sugar, which keeps your mood & energy stable throughout the day. That way when you have a treat, it doesn't wreak havoc on your body & brain.
  • Set yourself up for success this semester by getting a big calendar and working with Mom & Dad to outline major due dates, trips, family obligations and more that are on the horizon. Try to get a sense of the big picture so you can set some realistic goals for yourself on how to meet the demands of your school & extracurricular activities.
  • Give yourself a much-needed break from all the gotta-do's, the things that you just couldn't say no to over the holidays. That trip to Grandma's, the family reunion, the sleepovers. After going strong for so long it's important to give your body & your schedule a break and take some time to enjoy catching up on a good book, a favorite TV show or just hanging around in PJs. Trust us, it feels SO good!