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social media 101 for parents

It seems like each day there is a new app that hits the tween market, and it can be challenging to keep up as a parent! How do you learn about privacy features? What apps are appropriate? How can you talk to your tween about her online presence, safety and socializing? 

From Instagram to Snapchat, our colleague at Digital Down Low helps parents answer these questions and more. From her web posts, parents can learn about the ins and outs of specific apps and how to stay on top of monitoring how tweens use them without needing to be online 24 hours a day. Parents can learn more about how social interactions occur in the digital sphere, and how to talk to adolescents about appropriate boundaries, respectful online dialogue and how to handle online aggression.

These "digital natives" have grown up with social media, and have integrated it into their lives to an extent that leaves many parents feeling unprepared and out of the loop. Armed with a little information, parents are better able to help their tweens navigate social media responsibly, rather than merely limiting access to it. It's helpful to remember than social media savvy is an important skill for tweens to develop, and parents are better able to guide them to smart decision-making when they come across as informed, open and receptive to their tween's feedback. Come to think of it, parents get further in most conversations with their adolescent when they practice those skills! And when you need a little help getting the lingo down, stop by Digital Down Low before you sit down to have that chat.

For more on social media savvy, visit us here and here.