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 What we work with

We are non-pathologizing and treat the whole person, couple, and family.

Some clients may seek therapy for a specific diagnosis or issue. Others come for broader support. All are welcome here and these specialties are a few of the reasons people connect with us.

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Family Relationships

When you are struggling to feel connected, communicate with less conflict, and heal from relationship ruptures, we can support you. Whether you come by yourself, with your whole family, or with you and a parent/partner/sibling, our family systems lens can help you see your way to stronger & more resilient relationships.

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When your worries become overwhelming, we can help. Anxiety can be experienced in waves, or it can be chronic & debilitating. It might show up during a specific crisis, or it might be with you all the time. Therapy can help you get out of your head and into your healing.

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Perhaps you’ve felt sad, overwhelmed or numb. Sometimes it gets heavier to bear the load. You may have been diagnosed with depression, or you may just suspect that what you’re feeling is too much to manage alone. By using mindful self-compassion and relational neuroscience, therapy can help you find connection, safety, meaning & have the support you need to navigate life with depression.

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We work with children, teens and adults who are gifted and twice-exceptional (2E), and who struggle with some of the ways that identity can impact sense of self, school & work, and relationships.

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We work with clients to practice mindful self-compassion, which supports emotional wellbeing, healthy relationships, managing anxiety & depression, and a more solid sense of self-worth.

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We help clients heal from trauma, and our specialty is relational and developmental trauma. While some of our clients experience “shock trauma” following a major accident or witnessing/experiencing violence, many of our clients have experienced relational wounding in their families of origin or in their intimate relationships.

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Overfunctioning might look like perfectionism, never feeling good enough, always needing to do more or achieve more to feel worthy. Overfunctioning is an adaptive strategy to managing feeling out of control, to having learned as a child that you had to do it all on your own, and to coping with anxiety. The downside is that overfunctioning can also lead to burnout, conflict or resentment in relationships, and being way to hard on yourself and others. Therapy can help you keep the parts of this identity that serve you, while disentangling the parts that you no longer benefit from.

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ADHD & executive functioning impairment show up in kids, teens and adults. This can look like difficulty starting, staying on or completing tasks. It might feel like zoning out, or a whirlwind of ideas, or the sensation of needing to get up & go when the world around you is telling you to stay still. Therapy for ADHD can include scaffolding, skill-building, and strategizing. It can also include a lot of self-compassion for the ways neurodiverse people are asked to fit into a world that isn’t always designed to support your unique gifts.

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