GT Therapy Group

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merry christmas!

Merry Christmas from GirlTalk Therapy! Our GirlTip for you today focuses on surviving and thriving through all the hustle and bustle of the holiday season! For those who celebrate Christmas, there are so many expectations and pressures put on this one day that tweens, teens, and parents might find themselves feeling stressed and anxious. Parents, keep in mind that as your children grow up and change, so might the traditions you used to honor. While it may be sad to say goodbye to some of the beloved rituals and traditions you have celebrated in years past, now is the chance to create new ones that can bring you and your family closer together. Take the opportunity today to create some “grown up” traditions for the family instead of letting all traditions fade away. Here’s some ideas to get you started:

  • Hide your teens last gift and leave clues around the house (kind of like a scavenger hunt). She’ll be up from the couch in no time hunting down her last treasure!
  •  Have each family member write down a favorite memory from the day. Collect them all and put them in a safe spot. Read them out loud next year before opening presents!
  • Make an un-traditional Christmas year celebrating a different type of food (Italian one year, Chinese the next!). Ask your teen for her input in the menu planning!
Teens can also start their own traditions, too! Here are some of our ideas to use next year:
  • Host a holiday movie marathon 
  • Decorate Christmas cookies and pass them around to your friends and teachers at school
  • Organize a toy drive and donate to Blue Santa
  • Instead of buying all your friends’ gifts, have a white elephant party!