summer jobs!

Summer time! Not only is it a break from school but also a chance to get a short-term paid or volunteer job to gain valuable work experience and maybe even a little pocket money. Unfortunately, teens may have a harder time than usual this summer finding employment. Gone are the days when summer jobs were readily available and easy to find. Due to the changing economy, teens are having to work harder and plan ahead if they want a shot at a summer job. Even though summer is already almost halfway over, here are a few sites to help you get started if you haven't found the right job for you yet. and give some helpful suggestions to teens who are looking for work, and also some hints are where to start your search. Today also gives great advice like how to try a mock interview with a friend, counselor, or parent. You can never be too prepared when going in for your first job interview, and it's normal to have butterflies. Finding someone you trust to run through some typical questions can help ease nerves and give you a confidence boost!

One thing is for sure - be persistent and be professional! 

We hope you consider volunteering this summer too! Volunteer jobs look great on college applications and provide you with some excellent experience for your future job. can hook you up with some great ideas! Here's a link to some suggestions from us last summer for cool places in Austin to donate time and energy

Whatever you choose to do this summer, we hope it is fun and full of opportunity!