Meet Natalia

Hello! I'm Natalia Amari and I love helping young women (particularly, twentysomethings and millennials) overcome experiences of trauma. 

Sound daunting? I know. I get it a lot. On planes. At parties. At the checkout line at the beauty store.

With wide eyes, strangers and new acquaintances in my life wonder aloud how I can "handle" hearing such difficult stories. The truth is that I know what it's like to have a few "difficult stories" of my own. Furthermore, what I hear most in those stories are resilience.

It takes a lot of resilience to even get to my couch despite what happened before. While trauma is challenging, the other side of it is survivorship, strength, and post-traumatic growth. That's incredible to bear witness to and to work with.

Trauma (and stress for that matter) is fundamentally a part of life. The only way to avoid hardship at all is to, in a way, avoid life. Which could be a painful experience in it's own right.

I'm honored to sit in both the pain and the growth of this kind of life experience with my clients.

Additionally, working with twentysomethings and millennials can be equally impactful work. Figuring out how to adult. Sorting out the stuff you inherited from your family of origin and deciding what to own and what to toss. Getting lost in the questions, "Who am I? What am I here for?" Learning how to handle failure and rejection. Realizing you keep dating the same people over and over again. Navigating new boundaries on your own. Putting together a life you own. These are the themes that come up most in my work with young women.

And, it's brilliant work. Too often we minimize this stage of life, but the impact of the choices we make as young adults can be long-lasting. Therapy can help us build a more present and compassionate relationship with ourselves. It can also help us get the most out of our efforts during this stage of life.

Finally, for those who feel intimidated by the idea of therapy - I get it. I've seen the way we are portrayed in movies and TV shows. Either we are cold and overly analytical or warm and unprofessional. Or it's a mixed bag because they had to speed up the plot. Hollywood hasn't nailed it yet.

Because of this, I'm keen to foster a therapy space that is warm and professional, with a few f-bombs and YAS QUEEN'S thrown in. If it feels awkward at first, we can listen to some music, paint our nails, or play Bananagrams. And, yes, it would still be therapy. 

Lightening up the experience can make therapy more accessible and enable us to move towards the harder things at a gentle pace. Moving gently allows for more sustainable changes. And, isn't that the goal?

To learn more about me and how I approach my work, check out my website: and Our Team page here