Our Core Beliefs & Values


We are non-pathologizing. You are not a diagnosis, or a trauma, or a person who needs fixing. Because you are not broken.

We are systemic & intersectional. We view each person as part of the tapestry of the systems they are a part of. This means we see you in the context of your family, your culture, your identities.

We are anti-oppressive. We do ongoing work to address our own implicit biases & blind spots, become continually more culturally knowledgeable and affirming, and we are committed to unlearning oppressive historical practices within the field of mental health.

We are here for all bodies, all genders, all identities.

We put our values into action. We contribute quarterly to fund PhD scholarships for our QTBIPOC peers via Austin Teen Therapy and Melody Li. We regularly hire experts in our field as part of our internal ongoing training, particularly those from historically marginalized identities. We participate as individuals in anti-racism practices & activism.

We commit to doing our own work. This means we invest in our own therapy and in high quality systems-, culturally affirming- and relational neuroscience-informed training. We explore our own racial, cultural, embodied identities so that we may enter the therapy room with our own identity privileges held in awareness.

We believe you are the expert on your life with the right to self-determination. Our participation in your healing, self-discovery, growth & transformation is as a loving, grounded presence beside you.