Girltalk supports girlstart

Living in the Austin area, we are lucky to have several great organizations dedicated to helping girls achieve their dreams, like GenAustin and Girlstart. Let's spread the word about upcoming camps that Girlstart is offering to help girls develop interest and skills in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM)!

Here's a great article dispelling some commonly-held misconceptions about girls and science. Ever thought that boys are just more "into" math & science? Or that parents don't have any influence on whether their daughters pursue these fields? Not so! Stereotypes and negative attitudes by influential adults and the media begin to turn girls away from these subjects during middle school, and attrition continues through high school. Organizations like Girlstart can make a huge difference! And so can you, as a parent, as a teacher, as a mentor to tween girls.

Check out the offerings at Girlstart this summer and spread the STEM love!

*Remember, GirlTalk is offering a summer program that you can learn more about here*