Speak Up!
With school letting out for winter break in just a couple weeks, now is a good time to get the most out of these last few school days before the holiday fun! Although excited about the break, oftentimes teachers and students fear they will fall behind during the break because of the fact that they are away from schoolwork and the structure of school. In order to lessen any possible effects, students would benefit from getting the most out of the next few weeks. A good way to do this is by participating in class lectures and discussions. Speaking up in class enhances a student's relationship with their peers and teachers. It also allows for students to grow academically and socially.
Rachel Simmons discusses the thoughts students feel when faced with chances to speak up in class and how they often prevent students from engaging in the classroom. Her article provides a frank examination on the workings of the education system and how it can be intimidating for youth to speak up. However, she argues that the classroom is a good place for students to practice voicing their thoughts and having discussions with those who may disagree. It may seem easier to keep quiet, but speaking up can go a long way.

Rachel Simmons has authored many books on the subject of relational aggression in the circle of female relationships. In her book, "The Curse of the Good Girl," she explores the difficulty that many girls have in speaking up for themselves, inside and outside of the classroom. Here's an interesting article touching on the subject of encouraging young girls to speak up in the classroom. We believe that it is important for all kids to feel comfortable talking in class, asking questions and bringing up their opinions for discussion!