The Adolescent Mind

Today's GirlTip gives a special shout out to Dr. Daniel Siegel and Austin IN Connection! (Be sure to click on our links in order to take advantage of some great resources!)

The adolescent mind can leave even the smartest of parents confused and bewildered. Dr. Dan Siegel has taught us that having an understanding of the tween/teen brain can empower parents, caregivers and educators to effectively help and guide this population. Fortunately, learning about the tween brain doesn't have to be as daunting and scary as it seems! In fact, Dr. Siegel has just released a new book on the subject. We highly encourage parents (and any other person or professional who works closely with teens) to start reading it today! 

Product Details

If you are craving more of this fascinating material, then also register for Austin IN Connection's public lecture by Dr. Dan Siegel himself! Earlybird registration opened today, so take advantage of the offer! Austin IN Connection brought Dr. Siegel to Austin last year, giving us the opportunity to hear him speak about his other book, The Whole Brain Child. From that point forward we've taught our middle school and high school groups, as well as parents, about the growing child's mind. We are excited that Dr. Siegel has written another book specifically focused at adolescents (ages 12-24 years). Time to get to reading!