Pause for Gratitude

Thanksgiving is around the corner...and then Christmas...and then the New Year! Wait, how'd that happen so fast? Weren't we just celebrating the Fourth of July?  In today's GirlTip we are encouraging all to just stop. Take a moment, take a break, and pause. Now, let gratitude in.

While watching the news today there was a segment on Thanksgiving. They mostly talked about yummy recipes, creative table decor, and fun crafts for all. In the last part of the segment, there was time for a short reflection on giving thanks. Ask yourself, "Am I doing this often enough this season...this year?"

Expressing gratitude is not just for Thanksgiving. In fact, brain science shares that a practice of expressing gratitude can actually make us feel better!  Here's 20 amazing facts of how gratitude helps us! Interested now? Well, how about taking 30 seconds to help wire your brain for gratitude. You've got 30 seconds, right? Want to take it a step further? Here's a practical guide to gratitude that can help deepen your practice and rituals on expressing gratitude. If you want to greatest reward from gratitude, research says that you shouldn't just think should act on it. Here's a YouTube clip that demonstrates the amazing power and beauty of gratitude.

If you managed to click on all those links, then bravo(a)! If not, choose one at random. Go ahead and try it! Experiment with how gratitude might change the way you think and feel at this very moment. Pause for gratitude.

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