Reminder: Dan Siegel on the Teen Brain This Friday!

Dr. Dan SiegelWe've written about the groundbreaking work of Dan Siegel before, and want to highlight this opportunity for parents to attend a public lecture by the renowned speaker. This Friday, Dr. Siegel will speak on "The Inside-Out Guide to the Emerging Adolescent Brain."

The talk will cover material recently explored in Dr. Siegel's book Brainstorm: The Power and Purpose of the Teenage Brain. We have integrated many concepts from Dr. Siegel's work in our group and family therapy, and often receive glowing feedback from parents on how the concepts he's explored have helped them reduce conflict with their tween or teen, understand their inner world better, and feel more connected to each other, as well as better able to regulate their emotions when confronted with a parenting challenge. 

You'll learn about whole brain integration (getting the left & right brains to work together, along with the "upstairs" prefrontal cortex to work in concert with the "downstairs" limbic system for emotion regulation). You'll also learn about the ways in which the teenage brain are uniquely suited to help your teen develop empathy, insight and a sense of purpose, as well as how to harness the adolescent brain's novelty-seeking and risk-taking to encourage healthy and adaptive growth. 

We encourage all who are able to consider attending. We'll be there, eager to soak up more innovations from one of the leading experts on the teenage brain!