the fault in our stars

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Okay, we're a little late to the John Green fan club, but we've arrived just in time for the release of the film version of his best-seller The Fault in Our Stars! This book is a challenging, funny, poignant and deeply felt novel, and teens everywhere are buzzing about the movie that's sure to be a huge hit. What is it about this story that has captivated a nation? 

For those who may not be familiar with the book, the story centers around the burgeoning love between Hazel and Augustus, two funny, sharp and unique teens who also happen to be at varying stages in their struggle with cancer. Is it the way the teens fall in love that feels so real and refreshing? Is it the way the author tackles head-on our beliefs, misconceptions and hopes for young people who have cancer? Is it the quirkiness, the authenticity and the refusal to be one-note characters that makes us fall in love with them a little bit ourselves? For us, a big part of what makes John Green's novels so special is that you never feel like he's talking down to his readers or to his characters; they are fully-formed teenagers, full of contradictions, hopes and fears, and they are refreshing, challenging and ultimately inspiring.

This is a book for parents to read along with their teens. The emotions that you may experience reading this novel may challenge you, and will almost definitely open up space for important conversations about love, loss and more. Here's a link to a discussion guide that you can use to reflect on themes in the book. When the film hits theaters June 6, we hope you'll consider watching it together as a family (if your tween or teen will let you join them)! We know we'll be there!