Making the Most of Your School Year
There's probably very little advice that you haven't already heard regarding how to have a successful school year. Phrases like "get a good night's rest," "failure to prepare is preparing to fail," and "eating breakfast is the best way to start your day" are probably ringing in your ear! You know this stuff, right? It might even bother you to hear the same stuff over and over from the people around you. It might make you feel like you are destined for failure because even if you set these goals it doesn't necessarily guarantee a successful school year. We know this because life tends to get in the way of even the best of intentions. However, this doesn't mean that you shouldn't try to strive for the best or to include practical advice into your routine. That stuff helps us a great deal, but it is also important to honor and recognize that struggle and suffering happens and it will touch ALL OF US as some point.
Does this picture ring a bell with anyone? =)
Sometimes we tell ourselves that there are certain things we have to do or have to have in order for our year to be good. We used to do this a lot when we were younger, but it still pops up now. We put our faith in something external (whether that be getting the schedule of our dreams or having the best back to school outfit) in the hopes that it will solidify a good school year. While it isn't wrong to want these things (they are really awesome), it does us a disservice to not consider the internal qualities that we also need.
This school year, consider adding some non-traditional items on your back to school list. Think back on what made last year difficult and what qualities you will need to handle those obstacles again. Maybe last year you stressed on every little mistake you made and even the ones you just thought you'd make; so this year you may want self-compassion added to your list. Perhaps last year you let too many things go unattended to and lost focus on your school work. In that case, you may want to add some self-control, mindfulness or grit to the mix. Whatever you choose for yourself, be open to the days that don't go as planned. Don't judge yourself or the things around you too harshly. GirlTalk Therapy wishes you peace, happiness and love in this new school year!