TeenTip: The Shared Grief Project

Grief and loss is just as much a natural process of life as joy and happiness. Yet, in hard times, it’s easy to feel isolated or misunderstood. Sound familiar?

Grief can take many shapes too. Whether as common as not making the basketball team or as devastating as losing a loved one. No matter what has you feeling down, know that you’re not alone. In fact, there are countless others who have felt what you’re feeling and grief can actually be a way to connect with others.

The mission of the Shared Grief Project envisions a world where no child grieves alone. Through the brave sharing of stories, children can feel connected to others’ experiences with heartbreak, disappointment, and loss. Sometimes even telling your story can help not only you, but someone else through their tough time.

For more resources on discussing your grief or caring for someone who is grieving visit: http://sharedgrief.org/resources/