Welcoming Undergraduate Intern Kyra!

We are thrilled to welcome our new undergraduate intern Kyra to our team this spring! Kyra will be helping out in all sorts of ways around the office and in our virtual spaces. You’ll likely hear her voice in social media posts, see her helping us optimize our offices for our therapists and clients, and bringing her energy & spirit into our world. Here’s a bit more about Kyra in her own words:


"Hi there! My name is Kyra Hernandez and I'm a senior at Texas State University majoring in Human Development and Family Sciences. Throughout my life, I have gravitated toward a career where I can be helpful and care for others, and I will be learning from GT about what that truly means within a professional setting. I'm interested in learning more about the therapeutic connection between client and practitioner and how that unique relationship can have a positive impact on everyone involved. In my spare time, I'm probably testing new recipes and having mixed results (It's all about the process!) or watching a movie that I've seen entirely too many times. I graduate in May, and I am eternally grateful to be spending a part of my final semester at GT. See you soon!"