GT Therapy Group is Hiring!


GT Therapy Group is seeking passionate new professionals to join our growing team of dedicated therapists! We are a group practice specializing in our experiential GirlTalk Therapy groups for tween & teen girls, adolescent & family therapy, and therapy for college students & adults in transition. Our therapists are rooted in the family systems paradigm, and our diverse backgrounds include attachment & interpersonal neurobiology, trauma informed care, gifted populations, cultural responsiveness, yoga therapy, and more. As we bring new clinicians into our group, we grow and transform our current offerings to reflect the professional growth goals of our associates and interns.

The LMFT Associates and LPC Interns who will be a good fit for our group are driven to create their professional identity in the community, nurture their passions through training and special projects, and who have a desire to work interdependently with our directors and team. We are looking for therapists who have a background in family systems, adolescents and group therapy with teens or families, in addition to interest and expertise in his or her own developing niche. All team members are asked to facilitate at least one GirlTalk Therapy group, as well as maintain a regular caseload of individual, family or couples clients.

Associates who wish to lay the foundation for a successful private practice will be encouraged to use their time with us to cultivate a strong community presence and vibrant professional identity, and will be supported in these endeavors through coaching sessions, blog writing to sharpen your clinical lens, workshop development, and having access to all of GT Therapy Groups documents, templates, workshops, training guides, scripts to facilitate smooth client interactions, and more. Weekend and evening hours will be required.

GT Therapy Group is on a mission to provide new professionals with a supportive, rich and meaningful environment to grow into your own thriving practice, and to work with you to nurture your unique goals and creative spirit.

Currently licensed LMFT Associates and LPC Interns who will be ready to start in January, please submit your CV or resume as well as a letter of interest to our email address with the subject line as Intern/Associate Application - Your Last Name. Phone calls and in-person interviews will be scheduled via email.



Blake & Tracy

GT Therapy Group Founders & Directors

Blake NortonComment