Holiday self-care

The semester is winding down, the holiday energy is gearing up and December may start to feel like the craziest month of the year! As we approach a much-needed break from school or work, let's all take some time to focus on treating ourselves kindly and taking time out for relaxation and self-care. Here are some fun ways to de-stress before finals and kick off your holiday break in high spirits!

  • Take advantage of the cold weather and make delicious hot chocolate at home, complete with whipped cream, sprinkles, peppermint sticks and more! Take a break from homework tonight to enjoy this treat in your warmest slippers, turn on your favorite holiday movie and put your feet up for at least 20 minutes.
  • Get moving! Only in Austin can you ice skate on the Whole Foods rooftop, run around Lady Bird Lake taking pictures of all the unique landmarks or grab a skateboard and hit the park! Even though the temps have dropped, the sun is shining and a quick boost of Vitamin D is sure to keep you in good spirits and maximize your energy.
  • If you're planning to go out of town with your family for the holidays(or even if you stay home), remember to help them schedule in some down time. It's easy to go overboard with the itinerary, and visiting extended family in unfamiliar cities can bring some challenges to even the best planner's time management skills. Talk with your parents before the stress overwhelms you about how to fit in time for relaxation, solitary activities and self-care.