Girls Rock!


This weekend Blake had the privilege of participating in a 3-day fundraiser event for Girls Rock Camp Austin, a local nonprofit that offers empowerment to girls ages 10-17 through music education and performance. We've mentioned GRCA before, and we are big fans of the amazing work they do to support teen girls in gaining skills, confidence, passion and community

The dedicated volunteers coordinate a yearly Ladies Rock Camp weekend to raise money to fund scholarships for girls to attend their summer camps. This was Blake's first year to participate, and both Blake & Tracy are already talking about signing up next year! It was a truly inspiring weekend that reinforced GirlTalk Therapy's support of GRCA's mission and values. 

Thank you to all the women who made this weekend possible, who promote music education and empowerment to girls throughout the year, and who help women and girls challenge themselves to take risks, make mistakes, live with confidence and rock out! Here's where you can contribute to keep Girls Rock Camp Austin thriving!