Recognizing the Vicious Cycle of Negative Interaction ParentTip, TeenTip, LifeTipGTTG TeamJanuary 24, 2020GT Therapy Grouprelationships, communication, teens, austin, austinsComment
Connection & Empathy Before Problem Solving LifeTip, ParentTip, LoveTipGTTG TeamAugust 28, 2019GT Therapy Group, PLLCaustin, empathy, family therapy, Relationships, couplesComment
‘Moving Towards’ in Relationships LoveTipGTTG TeamJuly 3, 2019relationships, couples, mindfulness, lovetip, austinComment
End-of-school roundup ParentTip, TeenTipBlake Norton, LMFTSMay 6, 2014girls rock austin, creative action, austin, resources, blakeComment
smart girls in austin! ParentTip, TeenTip, ProTipBlake Norton, LMFTSApril 29, 2014austin, resources, creative action, blakeComment