Meet Alyssa!

Hi Friends, I’m Alyssa! (and that cute lil’ pup is my baby, Benny) I am so incredibly happy you are here!

I know that the idea of beginning your journey with a new therapist and sharing your story can be exciting, intimidating, uncomfortable, anxiety-provoking and ALL of the other emotions. Let me share with you about myself, and I am hopeful that knowing a bit more about me can help ease some of your scaries.

Originally from Chicago, born and raised, I moved to Austin just over a year ago with my fiance (also a Chicago native) to embark on the adventurous journey of exploring a new city of which we knew little to nothing about. Not unlike beginning a relationship with a new therapist, I felt excited, anxious, uncertain, scared … the list goes on. Despite my many doubts including: leaving my family, friends, a job I loved, and a city I knew with my eyes closed (“what am I doing?!”), it did not take long for me to fall in love with Austin and all of the opportunity this city has to offer! Within the past year I have managed co-raise a doodle pup...well - we’re still working on that, obtain my yoga teaching certificate, complete my social work licensure, and buy a house with my now fiance (all seemingly intimidating, foreign, and impossible at the beginning have become proud challenges I have worked hard to accomplish). I share this with you as it relates to coming to therapy: what started out as a bit scary and unpredictable transformed into one of the greatest blessings I could have hoped for. I am hopeful that YOU have the opportunity to overcome and accomplish life’s many challenges and I would love to support you along the way!

My approach to therapy is warm, empathic, and understanding. You are the expert on your life and I will have the pleasure of accompanying you on your journey while offering support, validation, and guidance throughout.

My passion to work with adolescents and families started long ago in my undergraduate studies at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor (GO BLUE!) as I became deeply interested in healing and psychology. I continued on to graduate school at Loyola University Chicago to pursue my Masters in Social Work with the enthusiasm to support adolescents and their families to live meaningful and fulfilling lives. I have had wonderful opportunities to work with kiddos and their families both in Chicago and Austin in several settings from inpatient treatment, outpatient programs, and within therapeutic groups. I look forward to bringing my experience to our relationship and learning even more from each unique individual - we are all unicorns with something different to offer the world!

During my free time, I am often spending my days outside enjoying the Austin sun (something I was certainly unable to do in the Midwest), kayaking on Lady Bird Lake, practicing yoga, listening to live music, and spending time with my new Austin family and friends (Benny, too!).

I so appreciate you taking the time to read my story, I look forward to hearing about yours! :)