Happy Earth Day!

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Today is April 22nd - Earth Day 2014! The above picture is a funny reminder to us all that we should take care of our environment every single day, but why not have a CELEBRATION at least once a year, too?

Earth Day reminds us that we have a special connection to our planet and to nature...one that goes beyond how we use it for resources and shelter. Research indicates the importance of nature in healthy childhood development. In Richard Louv's book, Last Child in the Woods, he uses the term nature-deficit disorder to explain the correlation between an increase in social, emotional and physical health problems with the decrease of time spent in nature. 

Do you ever notice that after you have spent the entire day inside and then you finally go outside you have a feeling of relief that comes over you? This relief is more than just thankfulness that you are no longer at work or school! It's a relief that you are once again connected to nature. Our bodies cravethe outdoors and, more importantly, wild nature!

So what does this mean? It means that you can have a happier, healthier and more productive day just by taking time to walk outside, stare out your window or take a deep breath of the outdoor air. It is just that simple!

Begin a new ritual today in honor in Earth Day and make a positive change for yourself just by being outdoors. Then, join Austinites for a beautiful weekend in celebration of our great city and our beautiful Earth!

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