smart girls in austin!

Smart Girls MantraWe've mentionedAmy Poehler's Smart Girlsbefore (and are lucky to have one of the creators, Meredith Walker, right here in Austin), and this year they've teamed up with Creative Action to offer a summer program unlike any other!

The Smart Girls Youtube channel offers Ask Amy video chats addressing teen issues like body image, identity, friendship and more. The Smart Girls website has tons of resources and blogs by and for tween and teen girls. Their mission? To encourage girls to be themselves. Now that's a message we can get behind!

The summer program takes place June 16-27 at St. Andrew's Episcopal School. The cost is $495, but scholarships are available for up to 15 girls! The collaboration with Creative Action is a match made in heaven, as this local nonprofit has been encouraging girls and boys for years to celebrate creativity and why being different is a good thing.

This camp will immerse girls in multimedia art projects, introduce them to women leaders in many different fields, and help them tap into what makes them unique! If we could go back to high school for the summer, you would definitely find us there. Sign up today!