Therapist Training: Working with Gifted/2E Clients

Join us April 5 from 12-1:45pm

At GT Therapy, we love working with our gifted and twice exceptional clients and families. Over the years we've supported the ongoing training of all our therapists in how to meet the unique needs of gifted clients. No two clients are the same; and yet there are some joys and challenges to holding the gifted label that many of our clients can relate to, and that many of our therapists are adept at supporting them through. For the first time we've developed a workshop for other clinicians to be able to learn from two of our pros, Tracy and Jessie, as they explore some of the key considerations to working with gifted and twice exceptional clients.

This workshop is open to all therapists, psychologists, school counselors and paraprofessionals who would like to deepen their understanding of how to support gifted and 2E clients and families. Please join us!